My name is Aedan O’Brien and I am a web developer
specializing in WordPress Theme and Plugin development.
About Me
My name is Aedan O’Brien, I am a professional web developer with 14 years of experience in PHP, MySQL, HTML and JavaScript.
I offer professional web development, web design and SEO related services for individuals as well as companies of all sizes. I specialize in WordPress Theme and Plugin development.
My goal is to provide high quality and cost efficient services.

Your website is an investment
Responsive, mobile-friendly WordPress websites for your blog, personal websites, eCommerce shops and business websites.
WordPress is a full content management system that allows you to manage to complete website without the need know technical stuff. Easily add and edit content, add new pages, change colors and layouts. It’s as as using Microsoft Word.
My support is free and not limited to any time frame. Even if you have a question 2 years after your purchase, I am happy to help.
You can contact me at [email protected]. I do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.
I am based in Dublin (Ireland) and my support hours are from 9am – 6pm (Monday – Friday) with limited hours on weekends.

Automated Content Websites
I am selling fully automated websites that automatically add content several times a day. You can choose from over 40 different niches.
Click on the products below for more information, or check out my active auctions I have on Flippa.
Latest Blog Posts
How To Accept A Domain Transfer On GoDaddy
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Clearing The Cache Of The Current Page, Using Hard Reload
This article is in reference to the DisruptPress theme. When making changes in the customizer of the theme, you will see them straight away in the live preview. However you might have noticed that when you hit the save changes button, and then visit the actual front page of the website, the design is still
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How To Get Your AdSense Account Approved
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HostGator Shared Hosting Review (Baby Plan)
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Flippa Verification Plugin
This plugin does what it says. It adds the functionality to verify your Flippa listing via meta tags inside of WordPress admin panel. You no longer have to upload a .txt manually to your hosting account. Simply go to WordPress admin panel -> Flippa Verification. Copy your Flippa verification meta tag and paste it into
The Problem With Customers Who Want Money Making Websites
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GoDaddy Coupon Codes
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The Grey Zone of Internet Marketing
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